Press Releases

29.10.17Press Release

CBK Announces the Launch of Kuwaiti Graduates Development Program (KGDP) - Seventh Batch

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) and Chairman of Institute of Banking Studies, Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel, announced that the CBK has launched for the seventh year running a Kuwaiti Graduates Development Program (KGDP), a training and qualifying program for Kuwaiti nationals new graduates to work in the banking sector in collaboration with Kuwaiti banks and managed by the Institute of Banking Studies (KIBS).

  • Press Release in Arabic
  • Interested individuals can apply in person in KIBS headquarters –sixth floor (map) starting from 29-10-2017 to 23-11-2017 from (8:00am-1:30pm).
  • For more information click here.

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