Banking Hall

Banking hall in CBK offers the following services:

  • Cashing Governments' cheques for individuals, Ministries and Governmental Organizations.
  • Clearing cheques and receiving deposits from Ministries and Governmental Organizations.
  • Receiving representatives of governmental organizations collecting cheques for their benefit that are withdrawn on local banks.
  • Selling commemorative banknotes and coins.
  • Exchanging fifth issue banknotes.
  • Exchanging damaged banknotes.

Opening hours:

  • Sunday to Thursday
    from 08:00 am to 2:00 pm.

  • Visitors can make a reservation on “Meta” app (, or "Sahel" app before arriving in the hall.

For more information please contact:

Central Bank of Kuwait - Head Office
Currency Department - Banking Hall
Tel: (965) 22972707 - 22975098
P.O. Box 526, Safat 13006,
State of Kuwait