Press Releases

05.10.17Press Release

The Governor Receives the Fifth Batch of Graduates of the Kuwaiti Graduates Development Program (KGDP)

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) and Chairman of Institute of Banking Studies, Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel, received the fifth batch of graduates of “Kuwaiti Graduates Development Program (KGDP)”, and congratulated them on their successful completion of the program and expressed his hope and aspirations for them with more success in their careers in the Kuwaiti banking sector. Dr. Al-Hashel affirmed that this program initiated by CBK in collaboration with the Kuwaiti banks is deemed a national project that contributes to develop and improve the skills and competencies of Kuwaiti national workforce with the aim to continue enhancing the banking industry in the country.

The Governor added that this program is considered an ambitious step to attract and recruit Kuwaiti graduates underlining the distinctive level of the program and its contents that were vigilantly prepared to meet the banking sector requirements in terms of development, where the output of the program provides the national banking sector with a highly qualified and well-trained staff.

Dr. Al-Hashel further explained that the program includes lectures, e-training and on-site training in CBK and the other Kuwaiti banks in addition to field training outside the State of Kuwait with prestigious regional and international banks and financial entities in USA, Britain, Germany, Singapore, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

His Excellency the Governor concluded his speech to the fifth batch of graduates of KGDP by urging them to persist with their efforts wishing them more success in their careers.


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