Press Releases

05.01.14Press Release

CBK Announces New Website Launch

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel announced that in pursuance of CBK's continued efforts to develop its functions, deepen its role in supporting the national economy, and enhancing transparency through the expansion of an easily accessed base of data and information posted on its website, the CBK today launched a new website, which has an advanced internet browser, and provides rich information for researchers and other interested individuals, and works as a channel for interacting with clients and other website visitors. The launching of the new website consists of two phases, the First (current) phase includes the launching of a new website in English, while the Second phase will introduce the Arabic content of the new website.

H.E. the Governor added that the new website has many advantages and added values, compared with the present website, including an easy speedy web browser provided by the new technology used in designing the new website, which contains an advanced full content search engine, and has the ability to archive data on exchange rates and daily/weekly market transactions. It also enables web search for selected periods, and provides dynamic charts of exchange rates, downloads of daily/weekly transactions, and periodical statistical data.

The new website also contains new pages providing laws and resolutions, and information related to the application of payment systems of banking operations. Also included in the new website are pages on the history of the Central Bank of Kuwait, the national currency and its security features. Moreover, the new website presents informative materials and visual programs on the banking and financial activities.

H.E. the Governor indicated that CBK's home page on the new website presents daily exchange rates of major world currencies against the Kuwaiti Dinar, and contains key web links, as well as updated events associated with CBK's activities and relevant press releases.

H.E. the Governor pointed out that launching the new website also aims at expanding the base of published data and information to include regulations and controls pertaining to the activities of banks and other supervised bodies, CBK's role in the design and conduct of both monetary policy and banking supervision, laws and Ministerial decisions concerning economic and financial affairs in the country, in addition to CBK's economic and financial reports, periodic statistical bulletins and related updates, ensuring comprehensiveness and easy access of published materials. The website will also contain reports by international organizations on CBK's functions and Kuwait's economy. Worth noting is that the new website also allows larger numbers of web users and provides them with advanced electronic services.

H.E. the Governor clarified that CBK's new website undergoes developments that are carried out using the latest advanced technologies, as the Second phase will introduce dynamic charts of statistical tables, online employment services and website Arabic content.

H.E. Dr. Al-Hashel added that out of its determination to test the new website's effectiveness, CBK launched the new website for a trial period to operate in parallel with the present website. A link to the new website ( will be provided on the present website, until the final launch of the new website is completed. CBK will be pleased to receive users' feedback that would contribute to the advancement of the new website at (, or through the questionnaire posted on the new website.

H.E. the Governor concluded by asserting CBK's full determination on achieving a high level of performance that would enhance its role in serving the national economy.

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