Press Releases

12.04.21Press Release

Harvard Business School Presents a Virtual Program for Developing Banking and Financial Executives in Collaboration with IBS

Dr. Mohammad Yousef Al-Hashel, the Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Banking Studies (IBS), announced that IBS shall collaborate with Harvard Business School (HBS) to provide a virtual executive education program, designed specifically to support the development of senior leaders in the banking and finance sector in the GCC countries given the current challenges in particular the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic that affected the business world and the global economy. The program is designed to aid leaders in the banking and financial sector to adapt to the new work environment and achieve success in such difficult circumstances. Dr. Al-Hashel pointed out that the program shall provide online training classes - as part of the innovative new professional training methods - through Harvard Business School’s training platform.

Commenting on the program, Dr. Al-Hashel stated that the 2021 program titled “Winning in Turbulent Times" consists of two integrated themes, namely “Financial Markets Strategy” and “Leadership”. The program shall focus on the critical role of leadership and management in formulating and implementing financial, technical and leadership strategies to address the challenges, along with the various management and leadership skills and techniques required for the digital transformation in the financial sector to keep pace with the rapid development in this field. He added that HBS shall discuss real case studies related to the financial and banking sectors in addition to other sectors which will enhance the analytical skills of the executives and provide them with the tools, techniques, frameworks and ideas to promote performance, innovation, and the organizational culture. Moreover, the program shall consist of a number of live interactive virtual group activities throughout the period of the training.

The Governor added that the program targets executives such as department heads and their counterparts, and shall run over two weeks, 23-27 May and 6-10 June 2021. Upon completion, participants shall receive attendance certificates from the Harvard Business School.

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