Press Releases

05.01.20Press Release

Central Bank of Kuwait Governor, Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel to Helm IILM Chairmanship for 2020

The Governing Board of the International Islamic Liquidity Management Corporation (IILM) has appointed His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Y. Al Hashel, the Governor and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Kuwait, as its Chairman for year 2020. Similarly, the Governor of Qatar Central Bank, His Excellency Sheikh Abdulla Saoud Al-Thani, has been appointed as the Deputy Chairman of the Governing Board for the same year. The new appointments take effect on 1st January 2020.

The appointments were announced by the Governing Board in its 23rd meeting held on 25 November 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Brief profiles of both the newly appointment Chairman and Deputy Chairman are provided below:
H.E. Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel has been the Chairman of the Board Executive Committee of the IILM since 2016, which is the body responsible for overseeing the business operations of the IILM. He is also the Alternate Governor of the State of Kuwait at the International Monetary Fund, and the Arab Monetary Fund.

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