Press Releases

10.12.19Press Statement

CBK Develops Statistical Work

The Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) has published today data on the International Investment Position and Total External Debt of the State of Kuwait in its quarterly statistical bulletin starting from Q1 (January-March) 2019. In line with the international best practices, CBK continuously strives to enhance statistical work through the development of statistical databases and provision of integrated and comprehensive data in terms of coverage, periodicity, timeliness, and quality. The newly introduced tables namely (44) and (44-1) & (46) and (46-1) reinforce principles of disclosures and transparency by including the State of Kuwait’s International Investment Position and Total External Debt, respectively, on an annual and quarterly basis.

It is worth mentioning that the Net Investment Position of the State of Kuwait represents the net overseas assets and net foreign liabilities, meanwhile the Total External Debt of the State of Kuwait includes the external debt of the general government and private sector.

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