Press Releases

16.07.19Press Statement

CBK Enhances Statistical Work

In continuation of the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) efforts to enhance statistical work through the development of statistical databases and provision of comprehensive data in terms of coverage, periodicity, timeliness, and quality, and in line with international best practices in this regard, CBK is introducing Table No.26 into its monthly statistical bulletin. The table includes data on the Official Reserve Assets of Kuwait on a monthly basis and shall be included in the said bulletin as of March 2019.

The Official Reserve Assets of Kuwait include Monetary Gold, reserves position in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Special Drawing Rights (SDR), and currency & deposits, but exclude, however, foreign assets held by Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA).

Within the same context, CBK shall also publish data on the International Investment Position (IIP) and the State of Kuwait’s total foreign debt on a quarterly basis as of the first quarter bulletin (Jan-March) for 2019 to enhance disclosure and transparency where CBK data is concerned and to enable public access to said data.

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