Press Releases

28.01.19Press Statement

Former Lebanese Prime Minister's Visit to CBK

The Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) organized a closed session and former Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Al-Siniora was invited to address a host of bankers and economists and discuss his experience with economic and financial reform during his tenure as the Lebanese Minister of Finance and later on as Prime Minister. The session was held Monday, 28 January 2019.

During the session, Al-Siniora discussed economic development in Lebanon, the hurdles and impediments it faced, and the means used to overcome them. Views were also exchanged on financial and economic conditions in the region and future forecasts in light of regional state of affairs and international developments. The discussions also touched on developments in the banking industry on a global level, changes posed by technological advancements, and the need to upgrade the banking sector and seize promising growth opportunities.

The CBK regularly hosts renowned international economists and finance experts to benefit from their experiences and expertise in the field of economic and financial reform, and to aid its efforts to further develop the national economy and realize development and sustainability goals.

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