Press Releases

15.12.18Press Release

CBK Governor Announces Launch of Second Round of Cyber Security Leaders Program (CSLP)

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) and Chairman of the Institute of Banking Studies, Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel, announced the launch of the Second Cyber Security Leaders Program (CSLP). This comes within the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) strategy to develop national cadres in the field of banking, the national economy, and to build technical capabilities in information technology and information security, thus bolstering the financial and banking sector’s defenses against the risks of the accelerating developments in modern technology used in the sector’s information systems, ensuring that the latest technology is adopted with reduced risk.

  • Dr. Al-Hashel noted that the high-level capacity building program is addressed to Kuwaitis specialized in information security and information networks and aims to foster a generation of experts and technicians capable of developing the right programs to protect the information systems used in the Kuwaiti banking and financial sector at par with the latest technology and best practices adopted in the field. The CSLP program, the Governor added, is a continuation of fruitful cooperation between the CBK, local banks, and the Institute of Banking Studies and falls within an integrated array of initiatives aiming to develop and qualify national cadres.

The CBK Governor further pointed out that the program lasts for six months and is divided into two stages. The first stage lasting for five months takes place locally and involves practical lectures on information security. The second, meanwhile, is a one-month stage abroad, during which the trainees gain field experience through training on the latest simulation programs and visits and on-site tours of the most prominent international specialized institutions.

As for conditions for joining the program, Dr. Al-Hashel said that the applicants’ approval would be based upon objective criteria, which include the applicant being a Kuwaiti national holding a university degree in computer and information technology, as well as passing screening interviews. Those wishing to apply may view the details and submit applications as of Sunday, 16 December 2018 and until Thursday, 31 January 2019 through the Institute of Banking Studies homepage (

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