Press Releases

29.10.18Press Release

CBK Organizes a Workshop in Coordination with S&P on Sovereign Ratings and Banks' Credit Ratings Methodology

The Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) is holding a workshop in coordination with the global rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) addressing the topic of “Sovereign Rating and Bank Credit Rating Methodology”, scheduled for 30-31 October, 2018. This comes within CBK’s effort to uphold its social responsibility and serves to bolster national financial stability and capacity building in the fields of finance and economy.

CBK Governor Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel pointed out that the two-day workshop would tackle a host of issues related to sovereign and bank credit rating methodology, including governance competence, economic structure and growth prospects, the financial resilience-performance connection, as well as banking industry risk assessment for countries. The participants would also be introduced to established bank rating methodology, as well as guidelines for rating Sukuk issued by banks. The Governor added that the CBK had extended invitations to a number of local bodies to take part in the workshop, including the Ministry of Finance, Kuwait Investment Authority, and local banks.

Dr. Al-Hashel expressed appreciation for S&P’s cooperation towards holding this workshop, stressing that the CBK would continue to uphold its duty of developing national cadres in various financial and economic fields through holding such workshops and activities, which reflect the Bank’s comprehensive view of its responsibility to buttress financial stability.

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