Press Releases

27.04.15Press Release

CBK Publishes Banking Sector Soundness Indicators

His Excellency, The Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait, Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel, has released a statement indicating that in accordance with a policy aimed at providing a set of inclusive financial indicators on the banking and financial system in the State of Kuwait, the Central Bank is to enlarge the range of information provided by means of its quarterly statistical bulletins – particularly with respect to information concerning the asset quality, capital adequacy, liquidity, profitability and operating efficiency of local banks.

In making the statement His Excellency, The Governor alluded to the ongoing policy of at all times providing a high measure of transparency with respect to material published by the Central Bank and efforts constantly made to upgrade such information so as to provide an effective means of monitoring developments within the banking system in the State of Kuwait.

His Excellency, The Governor stressed that the need to acquire and publish relevant financial information has become even more apparent since the onset of the global financial crisis. In turn, routine assessment of the important factors affecting the financial condition of the banking sector provides the basis for promoting a high measure of financial stability.

It is hoped that by presenting information on the financial sector in this way, either via the statistical pages of the Central Bank website, or in the form of printed publications, a more general and effective understanding will develop of the banking sector in Kuwait and the economy as a whole.

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