Press Releases

25.03.15Press Release

CBK Announces Issuing Special Edition of the Monthly Monetary Statistics

The Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK), Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel announced that CBK has issued a special edition of the Monthly Monetary Statistics (MMS) containing time-series on main monetary and banking variables of the Kuwaiti economy. Some of these time-series extend to more than forty years ago and are thus valuable resources of information for researchers and other parties interested in the Kuwaiti economy in general, and in the banking and financial affairs in particular.

The Governor added that this special edition of MMS comes in the context of persistent efforts to improve CBK’s statistical database on the domestic banking and financial sector in particular, and the indicators of monetary aggregates in general. It also reflects CBK’s endeavors aimed at enhancing data disclosure and transparency through providing wider coverage and easier access. 

The Governor clarified that this edition is supplementary to the Quarterly Statistical Bulletin (QSB) previously issued containing sixty-five statistical tables of extended and varied time-series (around 1035) on the Kuwaiti economy, where due attention is given to modern monetary, banking, financial and economic concepts and terms that are commonly used in the manuals prepared and published by the relevant international institutions and organizations, mainly the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Consideration is also given to the quality and scope of the data & statistics published and to the release of final time-series in this edition.

The Governor clarified that this edition is supplementary to the Quarterly Statistical Bulletin (QSB) previously issued containing sixty-five statistical tables of extended and varied time-series (around 1035) on the Kuwaiti economy, where due attention is given to modern monetary, banking, financial and economic concepts and terms that are commonly used in the manuals prepared and published by the relevant international institutions and organizations, mainly the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Consideration is also given to the quality and scope of the data & statistics published and to the release of final time-series in this edition.

The Governor pointed out that forty-two tables of various time-series on the monetary and banking indicators and aggregates in the State of Kuwait are included in this special edition of MMS. Some of the time-series contain monetary aggregates and CBK’s balance sheet, public debt instruments and the aggregate balance sheet and contra accounts of local banks, investment companies and finance companies (conventional and Islamic). It also includes the financial data, revenues & expenditures of local exchange companies, and the value and number of transactions made using plastic cards (including values of transactions carried out through ATMs and point-of-sale (POS) machines), in addition to many other monetary indicators including interest rates on customer deposits with local banks, as well as exchange rates of the KD and GCC currencies against the US dollar and other major currencies.

We trust that you will find the benefits hoped-for in this special edition of MMS which is a reflection of CBK’s modest yet truthful effort and determination on improving CBK’s database and Statistics towards achieving the goals sought by all parties concerned.

Dr. Al-Hashel concluded indicating that the special edition of MMS is accessible on CBK’s website.

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