Press Releases

09.07.14Press Statement

Limited and Primitive Amount of Counterfeiting the New Currency Was Discovered

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait, Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel stated that a small number of comparatively crude attempts to counterfeit the newly-circulated 6th issue banknotes had been detected. The Central Bank of Kuwait, in collaboration with other concerned authorities had, therefore, initiated the necessary steps to bring to account those responsible for this heinous act.

Dr. Al-Hashel added that detection of the counterfeit banknotes required only minimal examination and that this reinforces the need of the public to be fully knowledgeable and aware of the advanced security features incorporated into the 6th issue so as to be the first line of defense against opportunists wishing to take advantage of the issue of new currency as a means of illegal profiteering.

In his statement His Excellency, The Governor stressed the safety aspects of the 6th issue banknotes in terms of their security features, in keeping with state of art security standards adopted for international banknote production so as to detect any attempt by opportunists to counterfeit the new currency, and urged nationals and expatriates alike to take due care when dealing with the new banknotes and to familiarize themselves with security features - namely the shape of waves on the front side of the note which, when moved, changes color with an animated circle and circular figures appearing within the geometric shapes as well as the security thread on the backside of the note which also changes color when tilted.

His Excellency, The Governor concluded by saying that Central Bank of Kuwait would continue to take actions aimed at reinforcing the public's trust in the safety and security of the new 6th issue of currency banknotes.

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