Press Releases


The 50th Anniversary of the Enactment of the State of Kuwait's Constitution

The State of Kuwait celebrates the Fiftieth Anniversary "Golden Jubilee" of the enactment and issuance of the State of Kuwait's Constitution, by His Highness the late Shiekh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, the Amir of the State of Kuwait. This occasion embodies the profound principles of democracy and public participation in decision -making through generations and is considered an important culturel gain for the State of Kuwait. Under this Constitution, the State of Kuwait has been able to march steadily towards establishing the rule of law and order, and build its foundations on well-established rules ensuring the glory and improvement for the country and its citizens.

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Enactment and Issuance of the State of Kuwait's Constitution The Golden Jubilee , the Central Bank Kuwait (CBK) issued a gold-plated silver commemorative coin, and a silver-plated bronze commemorative coin.

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