CBK Honors Distinguished Employees for the Year 2020
For the eighth consecutive year, to promote excellence and dedication among its cadres, the Central Bank of Kuwait held an awards ceremony to honor distinguished staff for the year 2020. The ceremony took place at CBK HQ on Monday, April 12, with participation of Bank officials and with all precautionary health measures in place, in view of the current pandemic.
Selecting staff of distinguished performance to be honored each year helps motivate more dedication and enhance employee loyalty. The CBK Governor Dr. Mohammad Al-Hashel’s address to those honored expressed the Bank’s appreciation for their efforts and wished them continued success.
Honored staff are selected against objective, clear, and detailed criteria that cover, among other factors, staff performance and output, timeliness and discipline, sense of responsibility, initiatives and contributions, and personal effort to improve skills and performance.
The Governor presented the award and the certificate of appreciation for distinguished performance on bank-level to Mr. Khaldoon F Alkhashti. The other four staff members awarded were: Ms. Fatma J Hasan for distinguished performance in the Governor’s Sector, Ms. Fatemah T Alhamad for distinguished performance in the Information Technology and Banking Operations Sector, Mr. Jasem M Almsaileem for distinguished performance in the Operations and Economic Research Sector, and Ms. Dalya A Alsalem for distinguished performance in the Supervision Sector.
The names and photos of the honorees were posted in the Hall of Excellence designated for this purpose at CBK HQ and on the Bank’s portal.