One KD Note
One KD Note
130 mm x 68 mm
Dominant Colour
Principal Subjects (Front)
Vignette of the Grand Mosque
Principal Subjects (Back)
Vignette of a Real-Life Illustration of Many Influences of Ancient Greek Civilization in Kuwait’s Island of Failaka
Kuwait’s History and Islam; A superb illustration of the Grand Mosque, the largest mosque in the country as well as a symbol of Kuwait’s Islamic identity, is portrayed on the banknote’s front. The backside of the banknote displays a real-life illustration of an ionic column, one of the many influences of ancient Greek civilization that swept across and settled in Kuwait’s island of Failaka.
Vignette of the Grand Mosque
A superb illustration of the Grand Mosque, the largest mosque in the country as well as a symbol of Kuwait’s Islamic identity, is portrayed on the banknote’s front.
Vignette of a Real-Life Illustration of Many Influences of Ancient Greek Civilization
The backside of the banknote displays a real-life illustration of an iconic column, one of the many influences of ancient Greece’s civilization that swept across and settled in Kuwait’s island of Failaka.