Press Releases

21.06.16Press Release

CBK Announces the Publication of the Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2015/16

His Excellency, the Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK), Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel, announced the release of the Annual Report of the CBK for the fiscal year (FY) 2015/16. The Governor clarified that this 44th issue of the series of Annual Reports prepared and published by the CBK contains the CBK Balance Sheet, the Profit & Loss Account for FY ended 31st March 2016, in addition to the Auditors' Report on the financial statements.

His Excellency, the Governor added that the CBK's Annual Report for 2015/16 FY reviews, in brief, key developments in monetary policy and monetary indicators and aggregates, in particular those relating to money supply, local interest rates, KWD exchange rates, bank credit, domestic liquidity, and aggregate balance sheets of local banks and investment companies. The Annual Report also outlines the CBK’s efforts in regulation and supervision, the banking operations and the key tasks performed for the enhancement of competency of the CBK's human resources in line with its annual development plan for the FY 2015/16.

His Excellency, the Governor concluded by pointing out that the Annual Report for FY 2015/16 is now available on the CBK official website.

PrevKey Developments in the Balance of Payments of the State of Kuwait for the Year 2015
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