Press Releases


CBK 2011/2012 Annual Report Published

The Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) has just published its Annual Report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011/12. The Annual Report includes the CBK Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account for the FY ending 31st March 2012 and the Auditors' Report. It also includes a brief overview of the most salient monetary policy developments and monetary and banking indicators for the mentioned fiscal year in the areas of money supply, local interest rates, KD exchange rates, bank credit, aggregate balance sheet of local banks and aggregate balance sheet of local investment companies, as well as the most important supervisory measures and instructions issued by CBK and the banking operations it has performed during FY 2011/12. Also the CBK Annual Report includes a brief on CBK's efforts towards developing and modernizing the infrastructure and the information technology it utilizes, as well as its endeavors to enhance and develop its manpower. The report is available in both English and Arabic

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