Announcements & News


CBK Extends its Condolences to H. H. The Amir of Kuwait and to the Families of the Martyrs & Victims of Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque Terror Attack

His Excellency, The Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK), Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel, CBK Board Members and employees extend their sympathy and deepest condolences to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, the families of the martyrs and victims of Imam Al-Sadiq mosque terror attack, and to the family of CBK’s employee, martyr Husain Ismaiel Ibrahim Al-Shaikh.

H.E. expressed his strongest condemnation to the brutal terrorist attack on the Imam Al-Sadiq mosque in Kuwait city during the Friday Prayer, hoping that the State of Kuwait will never again encounter an event of this nature, and praying that Allah the Almighty continue to safeguard our beloved country.

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