Committee Members

Dr. Motlaq J. Al-Jaser

Dr. Motlaq J. Al-Jaser


Current Positions

Member of the Higher Committee of Shari’ah Supervision at the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) since 5-10-2020. Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at the College of Shari’ah and Islamic Studies, Kuwait University. Faculty member at the Comparative Fiqh and Shari’ah Policy Department.

Work Experience

He served within a team charged with preparing the strategic plan within the economic committee of the Higher Committee for the Completion of Implementation of Shari’ah Provisions at the Amiri Diwan in 2017. He also served as member of the panel in Kuwait’s International Prize for Waqf Research in 2017. He has practical experience in Shari’ah supervision in the banking and financial domains and had previously served as member of a number of Fatwa and Shari’ah boards in the banking sector. He also has a number of published works and papers in Islamic Finance.

Academic Qualifications

Has a PhD in Islamic Economics on the theme of “The Theory of Changes in Fatwa and its applications in Islamic Banking Jurisprudence”, an MA in Fiqh of Islamic Transactions (Jurisprudence) on the theme of “Ijara Sukuk and its Provisions in Islamic Jurisprudence; Comparative Study in Islamic Economics”, and is a Certified Shari’ah Auditor with the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI).